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10 Tanaman Obat Yang Bermanfaat dan Paling Banyak Dicari

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1. Zaitun
Zaitun (Olea europaea) adalah pohon kecil tahunan dan hijau abadi, yang buah mudanya dapat dimakan mentah ataupun sesudah diawetkan sebagai penyegar.Buahnya yang tua diperas dan minyaknya diekstrak menjadi minyak zaitun yang dapat dipergunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan.

Zaitun adalah anggota suku Oleaceae. Selain dikenal sebagai penambah cita rasa makanan, minyak ini juga memiliki beragam manfaat, baik untuk kesehatan maupun kecantikan.
Khasiatnya antara lain:
  1. Minyak ini dapat digunakan untuk rambut. Salah satunya ialah rambut kering sebagai akibat dari polusi udara, paparan sinar matahari, terlalu banyak berada di dalam ruangan ber-AC atau bahkan terlalu sering menggunakan produk-produk berbahan kimia. Pemakaian perawatan rambut dan kulit kepala yang mengandung minyak zaitun diyakini sebagai solusi yang tepat dan sehat. Pasalnya, nutrisi yang terkandung di dalamnya dapat memperbaiki kutikula rambut yang rusak sekaligus memberi kelembaban ekstra pada rambut. Sehingga rambut menjadi lebih sehat, lembut, berkilau dan tidak mudah bercabang.
  2. Minyak zaitun yang murni (Extra Virgin Olive Oil atau Un-refined Olive Oil) juga dapat digunakan langsung pada kulit kepala sebelum melakukan perawatan creambath. Bahkan campuran minyak zaitun dengan minyak jarak, perasan lemon serta larutan air dari seduhan daun peppermint diyakini sebagai resep alami untuk mencegah ketombe dan gatal pada kulit kepala.
  3. Khusus untuk perawatan wajah, produk kecantikan yang mengandung minyak zaitun dipercaya dapat membantu mempertahankan kelembaban dan elastisitas kulit sekaligus memperlancar proses regenerasi kulit, sehingga kulit tidak mudah kering dan berkerut. Untuk wajah, minyak zaitun dapat dicampur dengan masker atau diulaskan langsung pada kulit wajah.
  4. Untuk tubuh minyak zaitun dapat digunakan sebagai carrier oil untuk campuran minyak esensial sebagai minyak pijat. Minyak zaitun juga dapat digunakan sebagai campuran body lotion atau sabun mandi untuk menjaga kelembapan dan kelembutan kulit.
  5. Minyak zaitun juga berkhasiat untuk mempertahankan bentuk serta kekencangan payudara.
  6. Sedangkan untuk tangan dan kaki, minyak zaitun dapat juga digunakan untuk mengurangi kulit yang menebal pada telapak kaki, mempertahankan kehalusan kulit, serta menguatkan kuku.
  7. Menjaga kesehatan pembuluh darah jantung, sehingga menurunkan resiko pada penyakit jantung koroner. Yang disebabkan karena adanya mono unsaturated fat, terutama asam oleat. Namun ada juga penelitian yang menunjukkan khasiat minyak terhadap kesehatan jantung disebabkan oleh kandungan senyawa golongan fenol, bukan asam lemak. Kandungan senyawa fenol berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, yang dapat menjaga elastisitas dinding pembuluh darah arteri.
  8. Sebagai laksatif ringan untuk memudahkan proses buang air besar.
2. Kurma
Kurma adalah sejenis tumbuhan palem (palma) atau dalam bahasa latinnya lebih dikenal dengan phonex dactylifer yang berbuah dan boleh dimakan, baik dalam keadaan masak maupun masih mentah.

Berdasarkan penelitian para ilmuwan, kurma kaya dengan protein, serat gula, vitamin A dan C serta mineral seperti zat besi, kalsium, sodium dan potasium. Kandungan protein didalam kurma sebesar 1.8 - 2.0 persen, serat sebanyak 2.0 - 4.0 persen dan gula sebesar 50 - 70 persen glukosa.

Sebagaimana penelitian yang dilakukan Badan Kesahatan Dunia (WHO), zat gula yang ada didalam kurma itu berbeda dengan gula pada buah-buahan lain seperti gula tebu atau gula pasir yang biasa mengandung sukrosa dimana zat itu langsung diserap kedalam tubuh.

Hal ini membuat gula itu harus dipecahkan terlebih dahulu oleh enzim sebelum berubah menjadi glukosa. Sebaliknya, kurma tidak menbutuhkan proses demikian.

Manfaat dan khasiat kurma yaitu : 
  1. Tamr (kurma kering)untuk menguatkan sel-sel usus dan dapat membantu melancarkan saluran kencing karena mengandung serabut-serabut yang bertugas mengontrol laju gerak usus dan menguatkan rahim terutama ketika melahirkan.
  2. Ruthab (kurma basah) mempunyai pengaruh mengontrol laju gerak rahim dan menambah masa systolenya (kontraksi jantung ketika darah dipompa ke pembuluh nadi). 
  3. Potasium didalam kurma berguna untuk mengatasi masalah stress, sembelit dan lemah otot. Tidak hanya itu, berkat zat besi dan kalsium yang ada pada kurma, orang bakal terhindar dari penyakit yang beresiko tinggi seperti penyakit jantung dan kencing manis. 
  4. Bila dimakan oleh anak-anak, maka kurma memberi khasiat untk mencerdaskan otak mereka.
3. Ginseng
Ginseng (Panax) adalah sejenis terna yang termasuk dalam suku Araliaceae. Ginseng tumbuh di wilayah belahan bumi utara terutama di Siberia, Manchuria, Korea, dan Amerika Serikat.

Jenis ginseng tropis dapat ditemukan di Vietnam, dan Indonesia. Ginseng sering kali digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional.

Akar tanaman ini dapat memperbaiki aliran dan meningkatkan produksi sel darah merah, penguat daya tahan tubuh, mengurangi kelelahan, meningkatkan stamina, memperbaiki kondisi mental dan gangguan kejiwaan, meningkatkan pengeluaran cairan tubuh dan mencegah diabetes, menguatkan sistem pencernaan, mencegah iritasi, mengeluarkan racun, serta membantu pemulihan dari penyakit. 

4. Kejibeling
Keji Beling adalah tanaman semak, tinggi 1-2 meter. Batang beruas, bula, berbulu kasar, percabangan monopodial, warna hijau. Tumbuhan ini mudah berkembang biak pada tanah subur, agak terlindung dan di tempat terbuka.

Ketinggian tempat : 1 m - 1.000 m di atas permukaan laut
Curah hujan tahunan : 2.500 mm - 4.000 mm/tahun
Bulan basah (di atas 100 mm/bulan) : 8 bulan - 9 bulan
Bulan kering (di bawah 60 mm/bulan): 3 bulan - 4 bulan
Suhu udara : 200 C - 250 C
Kelembapan : sedang
Penyinaran : sedang.
Tekstur Tanah : pasir sampai liat
Drainase : sedang - baik
Kedalaman air tanah : 25 cm dari permukaan tanah
Kedalaman perakaran : 5 cm dari permukaan tanah
Kemasaman (pH) : 5,5 - 7
Kesuburan : sedang.

Manfaatnya yaitu mengobati Kencing batu, Kencing kurang lancar, Batu kandung kencing, Batu kandung empedu, Batu ginjal, Kencing manis, Sembelit, Tumor, Diabetes Mellitus, Lever (sakit Kuning), Kolesterol tinggi, Maag, dan Wasir.
5. Mengkudu
Mengkudu (Jawa: pace, kemudu, kudu); cengkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), wengkudu (Bali) berasal daerah Asia Tenggara, tergolong dalam famili Rubiaceae. Nama lain untuk tanaman ini adalah Noni (bahasa Hawaii), Nono (bahasa Tahiti), Nonu (bahasa Tonga), ungcoikan (bahasa Myanmar) dan Ach (bahasa Hindi).

Tanaman ini tumbuh di dataran rendah pada ketinggian 1500 m. Tinggi pohon mengkudu mencapai 3-8 m, memiliki bunga bongkol berwarna putih. Buahnya berwarna hijau mengkilap dan memiliki totol-totol.

Secara keseluruhan mengkudu merupakan buah makanan bergizi lengkap. Zat nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh, seperti protein, vitamin, dan mineral penting, tersedia dalam jumlah cukup pada buah dan daun mengkudu. Salah satu mineral yang terdapat pada mengkudu merupakan antioksidan yang hebat.

Terpenoid, zat ini membantu dalam proses sintesis organic dan pemulihan sel-sel tubuh.

Zat anti bakteri, zat-zat aktif yang terkandung dalam sari buah mengkudu itu dapat mematikan bakteri penyebab infeksi, seperti Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, dan Escherichia coli. Zat anti bakteri itu juga dapat mengontrol bakteri pathogen (mematikan) seperti Salmonella montivideo, S . scotmuelleri, S . typhi, dan Shigella dusenteriae, S . flexnerii, S . pradysenteriae, serta Staphylococcus aureus. Scolopetin.

Senyawa scolopetin sangat efektif sebagi unsur anti peradangan dan anti-alergi.

Beberapa penelitian terbaru tentang mengkudu dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan zat-zat anti­kanker (damnacanthal ). Empat ilmuwan Jepang berhasil menemukan zat anti kanker pada ekstrak mengkudu ketika mereka sedang mencari zat-zat yang dapat merangsang pertumbuhan struktur normal dari sel­sel abnormal K-ras-NRK (sel pra kanker) pada 500 jenis ekstrak tumbuhan, Ternyata zat anti kanker pada mengkudu paling efektif melawan sel-sel abnormal.  
6. Jamur Lhing zhi
 Jamur Lhing zhi (Reishi Gano) adalah jenis sari jamur yang secara luas dikenal sebagai “Raja Herbal yang Ajaib”. Yang terdiri dari elemen-elemen Polisakarida, Germanium Organik, Adenosin, Triterpenoids dan Asam Ganoderik.

Manfaat dan khasiatnya :
· Menguatkan sistem ketahanan tubuh
· Anti tumor
· Membantu pankreas untuk mengurangi kadar gula di dalam darah
· Menambah kandungan volume oksigen di dalam darah untuk memberantas pembiakan sel-sel tumor.
· Menyeimbangkan fungsi ion elektrik di sekitar bisul.
· Menurunkan kadar kolesterol.
· Menurunkan liquid aggulation dan endapan trombosit.
· Mencegah thrombogenesis.
· Menstabilkan hormon endokrin.
· Menyeimbangkan metabolisme tubuh.
· Menyeimbangkan Ph Darah.
· Menguatkan sistem pencernaan.
· Menghindari alergi.
· Menurunkan kolesterol dan menstabilkan lemak di dalam tubuh.
· Memperkuat organ tubuh.
· Menyembuhkan penyakit kulit.
· Mempercantik dan menghaluskan kulit.
· Menghentikan pendarahan.

Jenis penyakit yang telah banyak terbukti dapat diobati :
· Tekanan darah tinggi
· Tekanan darah rendah
· Ambeien / Wasir
· Diabetes
· Masalah wanita (keputihan,haid tidak normal dan sakit)
· Sakit pada persendian dan otot.
· Rheumatik
· Sakit jantung
· Kelumpuhan
· Maag dan sakit usus
· Bisul / Tumor
· Asma / Kelelahan
· Batu empedu
· Jerawat
· Masalah ginjal
· Hepatitis A,B dan C
· Sakit saraf (Neurosis)
· Sulit tidur (Insomania)
· Polip · Anemia
· Kemandulan
· Kulit bersisik (Psoriasis)
· Penyakit kaki busuk (Hong Kong foot)
· Penyakit Gondok
· Ayan (Epilepsi)
· Sakit setelah operasi
· Pendarahan setelah bersalin
· Kecanduan alkohol 
7. Buah Merah
Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus) atau yang dikenal luas di Wamena dengan nama tawi / sauk ekendi adalah tanaman asli Papua yang tumbuh di dataran rendah (40 m dpl) sampai dataran tinggi (2.000 m dpl). Namun populasi terbanyak terdapat di dataran dengan ketinggian 1.200 hingga 2.000 m dpl.

Kehebatan buah merah mulai terkuak setelah seorang peneliti dari Universitas Cendrawasih, Drs. I Made Budi MSi, pada akhir tahun 2004 lalu mengungkapkan secara ilmiah tentang khasiat pengobatan dan kandungan gizi yang luar biasa yang dikandung dalam buah ini.

Sebagai ahli gizi dan dosen Universitas Cendrawasih beliau sempat mengamati secara seksama kebiasaan masyarakat tradisional di Wamena, Timika dan desa-desa kawasan pegunungan Jayawijaya yang mengonsumsi buah merah sebagai obat cacing, penyakit kebutaan, dan penyakit kulit.

Menurutnya, buah ini mengandung zat-zat alami yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan proses metabolisme. Diantaranya adalah karotenoid, betakaroten, alfa tokoferol, asam oleat, asam linoleat, asam linolenat dan dekanoat, omega 3 dan omega 9 yang berperan sebagai senyawa anti radikal bebas pengendali beragam penyakit seperti kanker, hipertensi, paru - paru dan infeksi.
8. Mahkota Dewa
Dunia tanaman obat kini kedatangan pendatang baru yang lumayan hebat. Mahkota dewa namanya. Ia bisa membuat penderita penyakit ringan macam gatal-gatal, pegal-pegal, atau flu, hingga penyakit berat seperti kanker dan diabetes, merasakan kesembuhan.

Menanam mahkota dewa memang bukan perkara sulit. Tumbuhan, yang bisa hidup baik pada ketinggian 10 – 1.000 m dpl., ini bisa ditanam dari biji atau hasil cangkokan. Meski penanamannya bisa di dalam pot atau langsung di tanah, pertumbuhannya akan lebih baik bila ditanam di tanah. Tanaman dari biji biasanya sudah berbuah pada umur 10 – 12 bulan. Yang berasal dari cangkokan, mestinya berbuah lebih cepat.  
9. Kumis Kucing
Kumis kucing (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS) berbentuk semak, batangnya basah, tingginya bisa mencapai 1,5 meter itu. Bisa tumbuh di tempat yang kering maupun basah pada ketinggian 700 meter di atas permukaan laut, tanaman ini memiliki daun berbentuk telur taji, tepi daunnya bergerigi kasar. Bunganya mengeluarkan benang sari dan putik berwarna putih atau ungu.

Masyarakat menggunakan Daun kumis kucing basah maupun kering digunakan sebagai bahan obat yang memperlancar pengeluaran air kemih (diuretik), mengobati rematik. batuk encok, masuk angin dan sembelit. Disamping itu daun tanaman ini juga bermanfaat untu pengobatan radang ginjal, batu ginjal, kencing manis, albuminuria, dan penyakit syphilis.
10. Bunga Rosela
Umumnya masyarakat mengenal rosela (Hisbiscus sabdariffa L.) sebagai bahan karung goni. Namun kejayaan karung dari serat alam sudah pudar. Dari segi kesehatan, ternyata rosela mempunyai manfaat untuk pencegahan penyakit.

Bunga rosela berguna untuk mencegah penyakit kanker dan radang, mengendalikan tekanan darah, melancarkan peredaran darah dan melancarkan buang air besar. Kelopak bunga rosela dapat diambil sebagai bahan minuman segar berupa sirup dan teh, selai dan minuman, terutama dari tanaman yang berkelopak bunga tebal (juicy).

Kelopak bunga tersebut mengandung vitamin C, vitamin A, dan asam amino. Asam amino yang diperlukan tubuh, 18 diantaranya terdapat dalam kelopak bunga rosela, termasuk arginin dan legnin yang berperan dalam proses peremajaan sel tubuh. Selain itu, rosela juga mengandung protein dan kalsium.


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Successful Affiliate Marketing for Merchants

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Cara mendaftarkan Blog

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Bagi anda yang mempunyai web blog atau situs untuk mendaftar kan blog atau bisa terindex ke msin pencari caranya banyak sekali. Anda bisa mensearching di google, yahoo, msn, dan masih banyak sekali tools tools di internet selamat ber inspirasi

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2 Main Reasons Why You Will Never Make Money From Affiliate MarketingMore people are aware of the income potential that they will be able to get from

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More people are aware of the income potential that they will be able to get from their own affiliate marketing business. Thus more people are starting their own business online but the fact is that the majority of them will fail miserably and they might not even get their working capital back. As like the rest of real business, you will need to make sure that you have the right mentality so that you will be doing the right things. Here are the 3 main reasons why people fail in this business.

Reason #1 '“ Thinking It Is A Get Rich Quick Scheme

If you want to make use of this business model to get quick cash, you will be disappointed. You will need to give some time for the business to grow before you will be able to profit from it. If you are deeply in debt and you need to have huge amount of money in a very short period of time, there is a high probability that you will not get it. It is still possible but only marketers who are experience and willing to invest capital into their business will see the quick results. Start to have the mindset that this is a long term business.

Reason #2 '“ Not Taking Enough Action Consistentl

Many people will be willing to purchase products online but they will not be willing to go through the material that is within the product. Most people purchase product because of the hype and the dreams that the sales letter has portray to them. There is nothing wrong with the sales letter as that is the main purpose that it serves. But you need to be aware that you will only be able to see real results when you start to apply the knowledge that you learn from the product. You need to follow a system that is proven to work and take action consistently so that your business will grow. You have to work for it if you want to get the profits.

Here are the 2 main reasons where people will never make money from their affiliate marketing business. When you are just starting out, it is inevitable that you will have to commit a lot of your time and effort into growing your business. If you have the mentality of building a long term profitable business, you must be prepared to do the work that is required so that you will be able to start seeing the profits.

There Are Many Ways That Email Marketing Can Help You

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One of the most potent marketing methods for grabbing the attention of your current customers or reaching out to new ones is email. Alternative marketing methods used online such as PPC, banner ads, etc can become expensive in the long haul especially since this way you will not get any repeat customers. On other hand, email marketing gives you the ability to send messages to those who have subscribed to your mailing list. A well-run email campaign can be very cost effective and draw a high response, making it the method of choice for many marketers who are looking to raise interest in their products. As a marketer, if you discover how to get the full potential out of your email marketing campaign, you will be amazed at the results. To build an effective email marketing campaign, one needs to plan properly and develop a powerful execution strategy so that your emails will reach your target audience. It doesn't matter what kind of a business you are into, email promotions can get it to the next level and help you build a loyal list of targeted prospects. This article will focus on what it takes to design and run a successful email marketing campaign.

As everyone is aware of, there are a lot problems with spam today, and the majority of the popular service providers for email have taken a serious stand to oppose it. With the amount of spam that still makes it to people email inboxes, they are likely to delete any mail that resembles spam. That's not the best news if you're planning to do email marketing. Therefore, you should try to grab their interest and have your emails read by personalizing them. This may be something as simple as using the recipients name in the email. They have a sense of value and importance when they see that, and it starts a sense of trust between you and people on your prospect or customer list. People like to be called by their name. That is the kind of knowledge that can be used to your advantage. But take care that you don't become too personal while bringing your email marketing campaign into affect. After all, showing them that you want their address and phone number might not to someone they do not know and trust. Research has shown that people are less likely to fill out a form when they are asked for too much personal information. Therefore, your best bet is to only ask prospects for their name and an email address, nothing more. After all, you don't need any more than that to make their emails personalized. The less you use for personalization, the higher your opt-in rate will be, as you won't seem too threatening.

Most of us absolutely hate spam, and as a result they'll want to get rid of whatever emails they get that might fall into that category, which is something you must avoid. In order to do this, you need you email marketing to have honest subject lines and only necessary capitalization. Make sure your subject line relates to the free information you're sending to your prospects or subscribers, and that the text has quality and is authentic. Your email marketing campaign should create a deep sense of trust and bond the relationship further to establish your credibility. You should try and not give your recipients any reason to be suspicious. As you perform an email marketing campaign, value the privacy of your subscriber as much as possible, and don't inundate them with emails. Make sure you do not misuse their email in any way. Only send them the emails they subscribed to. Consider your marketing campaigns carefully and don't try to con them. Understand that the holidays are especially busy for people, so limit your efforts during these times. Therefore, when those occasions roll by, lower the frequency of your marketing emails, and anticipate the lower open rates.

Importance Of A Site

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Building a website is not as easy as 1-2-3. It is a job that involves a lot of time and effort from the website owner. For that reason, it is of utmost importance to know why you would like to have a website before you move on with the procedure. If you have some products or services to offer, the best way to make them known is to put up a website.

If you are trying to get traffic from search engines to your new website, the thing that is most likely to confuse you at the beginning is the difference between search engines and web directories. It will even become more confusing when I tell you that if you need more results from search engines you need to submit your website more to web directories! Yes, you work more on web directories to get more results from search engines!

You will see many of his enduring works when you are in the city. These will include the Kizil Kule or Red Tower, Alanya Castle and the Tersane or Shipyard. In addition to these great sights and many others you will find that the moderate Mediterranean climate, its natural attractions invites many tourists to discover the beauty and history of this city.

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more targeted website traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected

When looking for internet marketing agency help in the case of web platform designing, it is better to work with an internet marketing agency company that provides the entire online marketing strategy

marketing, search engine optimization and platform deal as opposed to just static web designing. This is very affordable today if one does not have the time to self teach.

Manual Social bookmarking is an effective tool in categorizing and organising information resources, which can in turn do a lot of good to individual website owners who are looking to improve the rankings of their respective website on the search engines and also boost traffic through back-links with effective link building.It is often said that when it comes to architecture, form should follow function. Know what your goal is and structure your website around that goal. Your website should be neat and user-friendly so visitors would like to stay in your web pages and even browse some more. The clearer your navigation system is and the more attractive your designs are, the higher the conversation rate will be.

Again, look at the competition and see what similar products are selling for. Pricing can play a significant role in the success of your product. Selling a product well below the average market price may lead customers to think that there may be a problem with the product, or that it is inferior in quality. On the other hand, pricing items too high could also deter customers from purchasing.

Avoiding Dot-Cons: On Internet Business Scams

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Internet Business scams abound. And you probably figured out why; it is because there are a lot of people who do fall for the earn insert-6-digit-amount-in-4-weeks schemes.

Well, some people, especially those who pioneered a market niche or came up with a revolutionary application or method, do earn serious bucks, such as Google or Amazon and E-bay. There are also marketing consultants (the real ones, at least) who know what they are doing and what they are talking about, and earn income by mentoring dedicated people who want to try their luck, and their marketing skills, online.

The thing is there are actually a lot of ways to earn a quick buck online, especially for not-so-honest people. If you are thinking of starting an online business by acquiring that internet business opportunity that some random fellow sent you an e-mail about, you might want to keep these things in mind in order to make sure that you will not fall a victim to internet business scams

What changes hands?

While there are legitimate Multi-level marketing businesses, there are pyramiding schemes that masquerade as MLM firms. You have to be very careful and check whether the income is commission-based or member-recruitment-based. Most fly-by-night businesses actually sell distributorship instead of products. In this case, take a step backward and ask yourself - is it really necessary to acquire distributorship for that price? If the product is a market leader, that is a possibility, but take note that reputable companies would normally let you sell pr advertise their product, and let you earn part of the profit, instead of selling you some run-of-the-mill website.

However, do not confuse MLMs with two-tier affiliate programs where you can 'link' your site to a 'middleman' who will earn a cut from another company by the sales or traffic you generate. This might work, and some actually take advantage of this. But you can always eliminate the middleman and be the affiliate yourself, right?

What are the so-called add-ons?

Some of these con artists would tell you that they can give you a bonus by letting you have 'free advertising' in dozens of search engines. Most people would like this idea, since everybody knows that search engines are a sure-fire way to gain traffic and eventually earn brand recognition. However, only a handful of these search engines deliver considerable traffic (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Dogpile, to name a few), and the others are relatively insignificant. So why would you care for that 'free advertising'?

How wonderful is wonderful?

Most people fall for internet business scams because of much hyped-up 'wonderfulness'. Some would tell you that they can generate 50,000 clicks or site visitors in a day, when the truth is, they could not even guarantee a hundred. Others will tell you that you can earn, say a hundred grand, without telling you that it will actually take 20 years. Some of these 'offers' do not give you what you were promised and it is up to you, to find out whether they could or couldn't. When checking into a company's background, do not be fooled by testimonials, guarantees and huge income potentials. You can check a company's trustworthiness by checking whether it is a Better Business Bureau member, for starters.

When all else fails, remember that if it is too good to be true, it probably isn't. Note that the operative word is 'probably'. There are offers that are blatant internet business scams and others are much more difficult to spot and might even be legitimate. You might miss out on an opportunity; however, when you are about to shell out hard-earned money for that opportunity, sometimes it is good to investigate whether what is offered is a gift, or a burden.

What Can Top Rated Article Directories Do For You?

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There are many benefits from using the top rated article directories. The most obvious is an article writer's articles have a much better chance of being published in several online publications if they are first submitted to the top directories.

As you may know the key to the success of any website, blog or online newsletter is consistently fresh content being added to them. This is what increases their presence with the search engines.

Furthermore the growth and success of these can be elevated even higher if the content is unique and specifically written relative to the end user's subject matter.

Since article directories are the gathering place for all types of written information submitted by various article writers. They play a direct and integral role in the success of the online users.

Many website owners for example don't have the time or even perhaps the writing skills to properly keep their sites updated. Being able to go to an article directory and find relative material is a savior for them.

The top article directories and most others provide these articles for free. A resource box is typically placed at the end of the article with information about the author and also links to the article directory and the author's sites (if applicable).

It is crucial for article writers to submit to the highest rated article directories relavent to their content. The top rated directories get a tremendous amount of traffic but some of the smaller directories also perform quite well.

That's because they feature specific niches that get targeted traffic. This can result in better sales, both for the publisher of the article and the writer.

Article directories play an integral role in writers getting exposure they otherwise would rarely get. The resource box not only gives specific information about the author but can feature links back to product promotions that the author is marketing.

As you can see writers get more exposure when more articles that are picked up by the various online publications. Those that write a lot and have found an audience within great online niches are the most successful article writers.

You can be the best writer within a great niche and still not be read. That's why you must be sure your articles are published in as many directories as possible. Getting you high exposure is the job of article submission services.

With maximum exposure you get the great advertising you need to increase your link popularity. Most directories won't allow you to directly place affiliate links in your resource box but you certainly can link back to your own website or a landing page. You can then direct your potential customers to your product promotions.

One Of The Greatest Songwriters - Joni Mitchell

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Joni Mitchell is one of those performers that seem to be relevant no matter what the decade. Just this year, during the 2010 Olympics, she was asked to perform during the opening ceremonies singing one of her songs "Both Sides Now."

Joni Mitchell, a Canadian musician and songwriter, began performing in the mid-1960s and has never turned back. Writing songs seems to come natural to Mitchell, making her one of the most prolific writers in history. Rolling Stone magazine has gone as far to coin Mitchell as "one of the greatest songwriters ever". Many a musician has been greatly influenced by Mitchell's daring and innovative style. As her career has stretched from the late 60s to now, it has also varied in that timeframe, with music ranging from confessional folk-pop songs to jazz-inflected experiments and multicultural world music. Songs she has written either have become well known through her voice or through the recreation of others. Mitchell's "Woodstock" went mainstream through the performance of it be Crosby, Stills and Nash.

Many artists have enjoyed covering Mitchell Songs. Judy Collins took "Both Sides Now" and sent it up the charts to No. 8 in 1967. Annie Lennox covered "Ladies Of The Canyon" for the B-side of her 1995 hit "No More I Love You's". George Michael covered "Edith And The Kingpin" in 2004. Many of Mitchell's songs have been performed by numerous artists. Dianne Reeves, James Taylor, Allison Crowe, Rachel Yamagata, Aimee Mann and Sarah McLachlan have performed "River". Tori Amos, Michelle Branch, Jane Monheit, Prince and Diana Krall have sung "A Case Of You".

So how did this amazing artist first get discovered? Of course it was by starting small and singing in small nightclubs in her native Western Canada. She then began performing in the United States, becoming a critical sensation on the Detroit folk scene. In 1967 she signed with Reprise Records and in 1968 released her first album. On that album was "Both Sides Now", one of Mitchell's most notorious songs of her career.

Mitchell's album "Blue", released in 1971, reached platinum standings. It featured songs "Carey", "My Old Many" and "The Last Time I Saw Richard". Her song "Clouds" won her a first Grammy Award for Best Folk Performance.

Mitchell's voice has been easily recognized over the years for its distinctive harmonic guitar style. Her piano arrangements grew more complex through the 1970s as she became more deeply influenced by jazz, melding with pop, folk and rock.

Between 1975 to 1980, Mitchell began experimenting with jazz pieces. The transition was at first difficult. Her album "Hejira", written in 1976, is considered one of her most experimental albums ever. Audiences enjoyed the new sound but felt a bit confused due to the huge change in style. Her albums during this decade fell short of gold status and never reached the success that her first album had.

In 1980 she released "Shadows and Light" and her single "Why Do Fools Fall In Love" reached No. 38 on Billboard Charts.

In 1983 Mitchell began a world tour visiting Japan, Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia and then back to the United States. Throughout the 80s, Mitchell began experimenting with synthesizers, drum machines and sequencers for the release of her album "Chalk Mark In A Rain Storm". With the album she collaborated with artists Willie Nelson, Billy Idol, Wendy and Lisa, Tom Petty, Don Henley and Peter Gabriel. Songs leaned toward more political themes. Her genre of style began to shift into world music.

By 1990, Mitchell rarely performed live anymore but continued putting out albums. In 1994 she released the Grammy winning "Turbulent Indigo". In 1996 it was her "Hits" collection that reached No. 161 in US and No. 6 in the UK. In 1998, Mitchell's style shifted again with the release of "Taming The Tiger". Mitchell's voice began to change as well. In 2002, Mitchell stated in an interview with Rolling Stone that she was retiring and that she was disgruntled with the music industry. But in 2006 she released the album "Shine", which was inspired by the war in Iraq, political and environmental issues.

We haven't heard the last of Joni Mitchell yet, despite her years of success, it is quite possible she still has a few good songs left to be written and performed.

Why Asset Allocation Can Help You Reap Rewards

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Have you ever heard of asset allocation before' If you haven't you might want to give it some serious consideration. It could be the way to making more money from your investments than you would if you neglected to use this method of investment.

So what is asset allocation all about' Well, as the name would suggest it concerns spreading your assets between different investment vehicles, in order to make the most from them. For example if you kept all your assets in a low interest savings account you wouldn't make much money after one year had passed.

But if you thought about diversifying and allocating your assets between three or four different vehicles, you could make a lot more money from them. You might choose a safe investment such as that savings account, and then diversify into stocks, shares and mutual funds as well. These carry slightly more risk of course, but this is one of the features that work well withasset allocation.

The idea is that because you are spreading the risk you can afford to take on slightly more of it. If you want to invest your money in shares you would be better investing it across ten different types of shares rather than sinking it all into the same company. If you did this and the company went under, your money would go with it. But if you invested in nine other companies as well as that one, you would only have lost 10% of your total investment. And hopefully the increases received from the others would have softened the blow still further as well.

It is important to consider asset allocation carefully before investing your money in this way. There are plenty of investment vehicles around and some of them carry more risk than others. Higher risk vehicles also carry the promise of higher rewards if they pay off though, so you need to achieve a good balance of investments in order to make sure you can get a better return. It will also ensure you cover yourself in case of mishaps like the one with thestocks.

So take a look at your own financial situation now. Do you have any asset allocation going on at all, or have you already managed to spread your assets over more than one area' If you haven't, why not consider doing so now?

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mursid haryono, kelairan Karanganyar 21 maret 1985 silam,

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